Διδακτική Ομάδα: Αριάδνη Βοζάνη, Ανδρέας Κούρκουλας, Θάνος Παγώνης
Επικουρικό Διδακτικό Έργο: Στεργία Σαραντοπούλου, Αντώνης Χαζάπης
Εξωτερική Συνεργάτις: Μυρτώ Κιούρτη

"It is Orson Welles's The Lady from Shanghai, a movie in which, in spite of the title, China never appears, but is referred to as a distant and mysterious reality - cliches within cliches. At the end of the movie, the images of the main characters are reflected by a myriad of mirrors, making it impossible not only for the spectator, but also for the characters themselves, to distinguish what is reality from what are mere reflections. The observer, after being exposed to so many contrasting realities, cannot help but wonder which, if any, is the ‘real’ China, and how many of the images will be shattered and smashed into pieces by the hard reality of a history still to be written.”

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

"The space syntax of good life: theory, value and judgment" | John Peponis

Presentation on "11th Annual Symposium on Environment Behavior Research", Guangzhou, China, 2014

You are standing on a bridge enjoying the view;
Someone’s watching you from a balcony.
The moon adorns your window;

You adorn someone else’s dream.
Bian Zhilin (1910-2000)

Barnstone T, Ping C, 2005 The Anchor Book of Chinese Poetry 
(Anchor Books - Random House, New York) p. 384

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