Διδακτική Ομάδα: Αριάδνη Βοζάνη, Ανδρέας Κούρκουλας, Θάνος Παγώνης
Επικουρικό Διδακτικό Έργο: Στεργία Σαραντοπούλου, Αντώνης Χαζάπης
Εξωτερική Συνεργάτις: Μυρτώ Κιούρτη

"It is Orson Welles's The Lady from Shanghai, a movie in which, in spite of the title, China never appears, but is referred to as a distant and mysterious reality - cliches within cliches. At the end of the movie, the images of the main characters are reflected by a myriad of mirrors, making it impossible not only for the spectator, but also for the characters themselves, to distinguish what is reality from what are mere reflections. The observer, after being exposed to so many contrasting realities, cannot help but wonder which, if any, is the ‘real’ China, and how many of the images will be shattered and smashed into pieces by the hard reality of a history still to be written.”

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

OCT Bay_ στοιχεία για Shenzhen στην τεκμηρίωση του project

Εδώ, τεύχος όπου παρουσιάζεται το παρακάτω έργο (OCT Bay).
Περισσότερο ενδιαφέρον παρουσιάζει το δεύτερο τεύχος (εδώ) όπου αναλύονται οικονομοτεχνικά δεδομένα που "αποδεικνύουν" την αναπτυξιακή δυναμική της Shenzhen και επομένως την "επενδυτική σκοπιμότητα".


 OCT Bay, a project of the Overseas Chinese Town Enterprises Co [OCT 华侨城], is developed around a master plan team including project architect LaGuarda Low & Associates, who took first place on an invited international design competition by OCT Group in 2007, and designed by SWA Group – who are also responsible for the extensive collaboration on creating the eco-park and innovative wetland habitat. Both projects are part of the Shenzhen’s OCT Bay, a so-called Entertainment/Retail City-Within-a-City and located between Baishi East Road and Binhe Boulevard, south of Window of the World. Shenzhen’s OCT Bay aspires to set a new model for urban living in China – and that in the form of a 1.25 million m2 mixed-use community.

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